As the title says, I get a 500 error and can’t use it.
Since it runs without problems on the server, it seems to be limited to Local.
I was able to fix it by doing the following.
1:Check the database port number
Select the [Database] tab on the Local target site setting screen and check the database status.
Make a note of the port number that is being used.
2:Edit wp-config.php
Edit wp-config.php of the target site.
The placement location varies depending on the environment, so if you are not sure, select [Go to site folder] on the Local target site setting screen.
App > public > wp-config.php should be there.
If [DB_HOST] is in the initial state, it should be set as follows.define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
Add here [:] and the port number noted earlier.define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost:10052' );
I think that the port number differs depending on the environment, so it is necessary to check it.
If you can change it, overwrite wp-config.php and save it.
In my environment, it came to work with the above process.